Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected]

跟其他的性勒索信件一樣 Same as other sextorion letters 駭客聲稱他透過無法被防毒軟體掃描的病毒側錄受害者的影像與鍵盤紀錄 The hacker claimed that he used a virus that could not be scanned by anti-virus software to record the victim's videos and keylogs 駭客還要求受害人支付1650美元的贖金 The hacker also asked the victim to pay a ransom of 1,650 USD 如果受害人違反約定了,駭客會把受害人「興奮的影像」傳送給受害人的聯絡人 If the victim violates the agreement, the hacker will send the victim's "excited image" to the victim's contacts 請不要透過比特幣支付任何贖金給這位駭客,以免蒙受損失 Please do not pay any ransom to this hacker through Bitcoin to avoid loss

Taiwan flag Taiwan, 2021-05-16 04:11:40