Abuser: spam email campaigns
Greetings! Have you seen lately my e-mail to you from an account of yours? Yeah, that merely confirms that I have gained a complete access to device of yours. You may be wondering, "However, my PC is protected by a legitimate antivirus, so how could that happen? Why couldn't I get any alerts?" To be honest, the reply is quite straightforward: malware of mine utilizes drivers, which update the signatures on 4-hourly basis, which turns them to become untraceable, and hereby making your antivirus remain idle. My bitcoin wallet address (BTC Wallet) is: 1NDVMXnY4fskKDiwvX9NRfzecZ534W4pej Once the payment has been confirmed, I shall remove the video without delay, and that is end of story - afterwards you won't hear about me again for sure. The time for you to perform the transaction is 2 days (48 hours).
France, 2022-04-10 16:57:32