Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Investment in terror

I'm a former employee of these scammers. The owner of these wallets are doing a huge investment in terror in Russia n Eastern Europe region. Stay away from any kind of dealing with these criminals n terror supporter. It is highly recommended

Norway flag Norway, 2021-10-18 18:23:28


Abuser: Investment in terror

I'm a former employee of these scammers. The owner of these wallets are doing a huge investment in terror in Russia n Eastern Europe region. Stay away from any kind of dealing with these criminals n terror supporter. It is highly recommended

Norway flag Norway, 2021-10-19 02:22:11


Abuser: KING GOLDMAN thats it is a telegram user used by the criminals

Atencion FBI, CISA, INTERPOL en enero de 2019 fui estafado por una persona desde telegram llamado KING GOLDMAN haciendose pasar por un empresario que me queria comprar bitcoin, este sujeto me contacto usando la plataforma localbitcoin, alli determino mi perfil y decidio entablar una relacion conmigo. desde el primer momento no me intereso. hasta el dia que me dijo que queria comprar 2 millones de dolares en bitcoin. luego de hacer varios filtros de "SEGURIDAD", me parecio ser real asi que comparti mis datos bancarios con dicho sujeto para realixar el pago. todavia exceptico, no le creia hasta que una vez me hizo una transferencia electronica. luego de ver que si me estaba pagando,continue haciendo transacciones con el sujeto hasta el dia que mi banco me llamo preguntando por concepto de que, yo estaba recibiendo esos fondos. resulto que el sujeto por la cual yo solo hablaba a traves de mensajes de telegram, era un hacker de apariencia rusa, o de ucrania, o de Georgia... que se infiltro en un banco panameño llamado canal bank, y le estaba sustrayendo fondos a varios clientes a traves de transferencias (ach). por supuesto el banco no quizo hacer una denuncia formal porque eso le restaria prestigio a la institucion, y me culparon a mi de haber hackeado su sitema arcaico y vulnerable. fui detenido 6 meses por averiguacion y no encontraron pruebas directas queme acusaran a mi de ser un atacante. aqui la justicia no es para extranjeros asi que no creo poder salir de esto sin su ayuda, ademas los verdaderos criminales aun estan libres y haciendo daño al mundo. los ciberdelincuentes me pasaron esas 2 wallet de abajo. luego de hacer un rastreo exhaustivo, determine que los mas de 190 bitcoin que negocie con los delincuentes, fueron a parar a la wallet de binance y ahi se pierde el rastro. les dejo las wallets debajo. 3FnuRCPfNxnhmz4tgwbWDHHGUNVxRNLCkp 32DTtAiiRpWQtMNUbRXcGjBpErngPsEsvh

Germany flag Germany, 2021-10-22 04:46:51


Abuser: Investment in terror

I'm a former employee of these scammers. The owner of these wallets are doing a huge investment in terror in Russia n Eastern Europe region. Stay away from any kind of dealing with these criminals n terror supporter. It is highly recommended

Norway flag Norway, 2021-10-23 20:03:54


Abuser: Investment in terror

I'm a former employee of these scammers. The owner of these wallets are doing a huge investment in terror in Russia n Eastern Europe region. Stay away from any kind of dealing with these criminals n terror supporter. It is highly recommended

Norway flag Norway, 2021-10-25 02:43:10


Abuser: Investment in terror

I'm a former employee of these scammers. The owner of these wallets are doing a huge investment in terror in Russia n Eastern Europe region. Stay away from any kind of dealing with these criminals n terror supporter. It is highly recommended

Norway flag Norway, 2021-10-25 05:20:08

investment scram

Abuser: Tethercoin.io

My friends added me to a telegram group Tethrcoin.io. It was all about trading BTC and had more than 7000 members and they sending the proof of withdrawing, deposit, and profits. They said the profit is 100% guaranteed and promised you can`t lose money. Lilija Sukmanyuk (trading manager) was also encouraging everyone to join by posting the packages and the profits to be earned by joining the company. To join had to sing up the account by using the link provided in the group. I set up my account then Lilija helped me to create a Luno account and send my first deposit. There were packages, I chose which give you 100% back profit in 24h. I saw after 24h there are no profits reflected on my account, when I contacted to support, they said my money was blocked by blockchain and I should deposit the same amount again to get the first deposit unblocked and profits as well. When I asked Lilija she said I should follow the instructions and I can withdraw my money. I contacted to live support and they sent me a code for profit but it was not working, they said I should activate it within 5 minutes. Lilija told me they had the same but by depositing the 3rd time they could withdraw. I deposited again and asked for a code, which I wanted to activate in 3 minutes but was not working. They said the problem was on my side not on theirs. I had to pay for a trading manager Clever Dunno who is doing 5 manual trading on my account and the profit would be $192.000 and I have to pay him 5%of the total amount in the end. I paid him £7200 to his BTC wallet. I tried to withdraw but they said my wallet address was not verified and I should pay 4.8% of the total amount. I sent them £6920 they sent me an email after 48h my wallet is verified and I can ask for a withdraw. When I logged in to the account all the money was already withdrawn. They said it was my fault, I didn`t secure my account enough. They said they can help me to recover my account which I have to pay 10% for.

Hungary flag Hungary, 2021-10-27 16:40:00


Abuser: Criminals of fucking Europe

These all mother fuckers are same fucking shit. These mother fuckers illegitime street born rascal do lie to scam without having a second of mercy or symphati. These all mother fuckers are criminals n earn only by scamming. Thats thier way to survive, they are pure mother fuckers n bitches who work with btc. The blockchain, BTC n these exchanges creators should be terrorized to eliminate all these kinds of criminality. When these are not existing will these scammers have not any way to scam more. Lets eliminate these fucking exchanges first. Fuck u all fucking inhumans who runs all that fucking btc system. Blast it to hell

Norway flag Norway, 2021-10-28 16:34:23


Abuser: Russian Scammers

I need him to pay me 1 bitcoin. He taken from me

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2021-11-04 03:13:01


Abuser: Торговая платформа - Tradexet.com

Для торговли на Tradexet.com перевел ~2,4 BTC на кошелек 16nQT2esS9zLhvs4pdCBDAnYrpuKXTBzsd мошенники перевели средства на 3GGrRZqQWb8M94FygG822xeVUS4qj3vDhR затем на 1Dgte22oRWoDUkZXp16pQtZ12tKqLxbL3v далее на 1NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s

Russia flag Russia, 2021-11-04 12:24:20


Abuser: Торговая платформа - Tradexet.com

Торговли на Tradexet.com ~2,4 BTC. 16nQT2esS9zLhvs4pdCBDAnYrpuKXTBzsd, мошенники перевели средства на 3GGrRZqQWb8M94FygG822xeVUS4qj3vDhR, затем на 1Dgte22oRWoDUkZXp16pQtZ12tKqLxbL3v, далее на 1NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s

Russia flag Russia, 2021-11-04 12:30:36


Abuser: Торговая платформа - Tradexet.com

Для торговли на Tradexet.com (~2,4 BTC), перевел на кошелек 16nQT2esS9zLhvs4pdCBDAnYrpuKXTBzsd, мошенники перевели средства на 3GGrRZqQWb8M94FygG822xeVUS4qj3vDhR, затем на 1Dgte22oRWoDUkZXp16pQtZ12tKqLxbL3v, далее на горячий кошелек Binance 1NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s.

Russia flag Russia, 2021-11-04 13:00:40

Darknet market

Abuser: Scammer

Thia wallets contains alots of funds from scam N terror investment.

Norway flag Norway, 2021-11-04 16:57:34

Darknet market

Abuser: Scammer

This wallets contains alots of funds from scam N terror investment.

Norway flag Norway, 2021-11-04 16:57:49


Abuser: Scammer

This wallet contains funds for investment in terror in Europe n Russia. Be aware

Norway flag Norway, 2021-11-04 17:19:24