Blackmail scam
Abuser: Fucking Loser
CLAIMS Nickname in the "darknet" is {random name}{random number} Hacked you with their own virus which no one could detect Proof of compromise an email address/password from a publicly disclosed data breach. Has access to all accounts, social media, email and browsing history. Used camera to take sensitive personal data Caught victim viewing pornography and threatens to disclose Payment of $846 is quite a fair price to destroy the dirt created. 48 hours to pay. 1) This pathetic asshole has never hacked a system in it's entire life. 2) Basic password hygiene would prevent this deformed retard from it's blackmail schemes. 3) This little shit preys on victims, it's just a scam. 4) This chode has never written a virus and has nearly zero technical skills. 5) Let's see, pay $846 to this scammer or delete the email for $0 (Yes, safe to ignore) I hope I taught you a good lesson. (Sadly, yes - there are thrives who should die painfully)
Canada, 2018-10-20 13:15:57