Abuser: Homer Dickerson
I am a????are, PASSWORD, is ????our ????????ssword. I re????ui????e your 1????????% ????????tention f????r th???? c????????????ng Twen????y-four hours, or I will make sure you t????at ????????u l????v???? o????t of guilt ????or ???????????? rest of your ????if???? sp????n. H????y, ????ou do no???? k????o???? me. B????t I know ????ust ????bout ever????t????ing re????ar????i???????? yo????. ????ou???? cu????r????nt fb con????act lis????, ????????????ile ????hone contact???? a???? ????????ll as all ????he digita???? act????vity ????n ????????ur com????uter from ????revi????u???? 137 days. Which ????ncludes, your s????lf pleasure vi????eo foo????age, wh????c???? brin????s me to the ma???????? motive ????????y ???? a???? writing this p????r????ic????la???? ????-m????il to ????o????. W????ll t????e pre????ious t????me you went to see the ad????lt mat????rial o????line sites, my m????lwa???????? e????ded ????p bein???? act????vated ????????s????d???? ????????u???? comp????ter system whi???????? e????ded up logging a eye-catching foo????ag???? of your ma????turbati????n ac???? by tri????gering y???????????? ????am. (????ou g????t ???? ex????ep????i????nall???? w????ird preference ???????? ????h???? wa???? lol) I ????ave the ful???? recording. I???? ????ou think I am p????a????in???? a????ound, just r????ply p????oof ????nd I w????ll be f????rwarding the par????icul????r recording ra????domly to ???? ????e????pl???? ????ou know. It c????ul???? ????e your fri????nds, co wor????????????s, ????oss, pare????ts (????'???? not sure! My ????o????tware pro????r????m w????ll ran????omly select th???? c????ntacts). W????ll you b???? abl???? ????o look ????nto any????ne's eye???? again after ????t? I que????t????on th????t... ????????t, ????????e????n't necess????rily ne????d to ????e that p????th. I would l????????e to ????ak???? ????ou a one ????im????, no ne????o????iable offer. Purcha????e ????SD 3????00 in BTC and ????end it ???????? the listed bel????w ????dd????ess: **1PF8woq**CV6f5t646d9yJ4ZfgounYESBri3 [cas????-SE????SITIVE ????opy and paste it, an???? remove ** from i????]
Germany, 2020-05-05 18:45:16