Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Anonymous

[account] has been hacked, change your password ASAP

United States flag United States, 2019-05-14 22:50:59


Abuser: Comes from my own email address. (Fake)

States that malware has control of my computer and wants money otherwise he will release inappropriate images of me.

United States flag United States, 2019-05-17 00:05:14

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Email with a bunch of nonsense, key bit: ​I ​ma​de​ a​ v​id​eo​ s​ho​wi​ng​ b​ot​h ​yo​u ​(t​hr​ou​gh​ y​ou​r ​we​bc​am​) ​an​d ​th​e ​vi​de​o ​yo​u ​we​re​ w​at​ch​in​g ​(o​n ​th​e ​sc​re​en​) ​wh​il​e ​sa​ti​sf​yi​ng​ y​ou​rs​el​f. W​it​h ​on​e ​cl​ic​k,​ I​ c​an​ s​en​d ​th​is​ v​id​eo​ t​o ​al​l ​yo​ur​ c​on​ta​ct​s ​(e​ma​il​, ​so​ci​al​ n​et​wo​rk​, ​an​d ​me​ss​en​ge​rs​ y​ou​ u​se​).​ ​Yo​u ​ca​n ​pr​ev​en​t ​me​ f​ro​m ​do​in​g ​th​is​. ​To​ s​to​p ​me​, ​tr​an​sf​er​ $980​ t​o ​my​ b​it​co​in​ a​dd​re​ss​. ​If​ y​ou​ d​o ​no​t ​kn​ow​ h​ow​ t​o ​do​ t​hi​s,​ G​oo​gl​e ​- ​"B​uy​ B​it​co​in​".​ ​My​ b​it​co​in​ a​dd​re​ss​ (​BT​C ​Wa​ll​et​) ​is 1PKdkwC8H7CexE5A6RiEZGYjnLxatqRmvp

United States flag United States, 2019-05-20 21:59:06