Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Bomb threat email, sub: "We can make a deal"

Partial email message body: "My man hid a bomb (lead azide) in the building where your business is conducted. It was constructed according to my guide. It is small and it is hidden very well, it is impossible to destroy the supporting building structure by this explosive device, but you will get many victims in the case of its detonation. My mercenary keeps the territory under the control. If any unnatural activityor emergency is noticed the bomb will be blown up. I would like to propose you a deal. You transfer me $20'000 in Bitcoin and explosive will not explode, but do not try to cheat -I warrant you that I will call off my man solely after 3 confirmations in blockchain network. "

United States flag United States, 2018-12-13 23:29:19


Abuser: Zoey Johnson

It is my Bitcoin address : 1PcFPuZeEfuCCbdPu69nzUCvzsqu967xNm You have to solve problems with the transaction by the end of the workday, if the working day is over and people start leaving the building the device will explode. Nothing personal this is just a business, if you don’t send me the bitcoin and the explosive device explodes, next time other commercial enterprises will send me a lot more, because this is not a one-time action. For my safety, I wont visit this email account. I check my wallet every 35 min and after seeing the transaction I will give the command to my mercenary to get away. If a bomb blows up and the authorities read this email- We arent a terrorist organization and do not assume liability for acts of terrorism in other buildings. ---- end of message received dec 13th 1:14pm central police say that there were other threats like this one in California.

United States flag United States, 2018-12-15 23:51:47

Blackmail scam


Reported to the Internet Storm Center (https://isc.sans.edy) as part of the Sexploition campaigns of summer and fall of 2018

United States flag United States, 2018-12-25 19:41:26