Abuser: Capital Trade Options (Cryptofxmgmt looks like identical site)
I sent a message to someone I know professionally on IG after a zoom meeting about a job opening- someone I have met personally and trust not realizing I was messaging a fake account. https://instagram.com/ashghanderl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=. The person then told me about an opportunity to invest and manage a crypto trade account. A few months prior I had spoken to his wife about crypto so didn't think anything of it. They explained about a learn and earn course with 30% commission for managing the account and sent me the link: www.trade-options.com (later after discovering the scam I found another website that looks identical https://cryptofxmgmt.com). I sent $57K of ETH from my Coinbase wallet to 0x4FB5C8Fc770D27b94691323D9f27D2E8cB657a37 and purchased BTC to total investment $145K using the two accounts 32t6mWVoS2pvWhLz6Dnok6aH3bP7LwhVN6 and 3A3h41UP51Wk6fbV9EatEKhWSXJSEeKBZs. On Aug 14-15 I was messaging with the real person's wife and mentioned the crypto with her husband managing. She replied alarmed that her husband does not have a crypto business and suggested I file a report with the authorities. I filed a report with the FTC and IC3 on Aug 15 2022.
United States, 2022-08-17 06:51:10