Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

SPAM-SCAM: Received: from mx.stemlike.leets.monster (mx.stemlike.leets.monster []) List-Unsubscribe: <http://stemlike.leets.monster/unsub/RjNtem5oYllsbitMTXl5YThoMWg3ZVdLb1Q4dWRuUStXNmxtdStLMXd6UGpjZUdlR1llUVhzandROXJRVWZkbWRucUFyN2ZNVUxSZVVnWXc4VVZRYVY3OHp6ZHZMSkg4ZnRHUWNKTGsxK2M9> Reply-To: <[email protected]> I give you the lαst 72 houɼs to mαke the pαyʍent before I send the vίdeo with ur mαsturbatίoɳ to all your friends and associates. Seɳd 2,000 USD = 0.2671632 BTC to this Bitcoin address immediately: 34Tsk6WgPEZv7KvmR1Gh2U4h1qUa2eaiER (Copy & Ƿαste address - it's case sensitive)

Finland flag Finland, 2019-12-10 11:01:44