Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: eroyroy, [email protected]

I have the video with you playing with your intimate parts. Moreover I have the contact list of your acquaintances. You must not know how this happened... I will give you a hint. Keep your av up to date, keep your firewall turned on and do not click on unshielded pornsites... I offer you a bargain. I receive 33 LiteCoin on my wallet (La139egbjfttr9iLGpoUZCuKu4zBFvJWbx) and I will leave you. You are given twenty four hours my programm will send me the report about reading. If I don't see the full sum I will spoil your reputation. Cops will not help you, but you can try them. I will not check this email so don't reply. I am sorry for my grammar, I am not a native speaker

United States flag United States, 2019-02-11 17:19:00