Abuse to Bitcoin address

Fake bitcoin exchange

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/#/

This is a fake bitcoin exchange that asks you to deposit the bitcoin and runs dummy data and trades. It shows you profits and when you try to withdraw the profits, it shows the error that you need to pay taxes. So to release your existing money you need to pay more money.

Thailand flag Thailand, 2021-06-29 15:07:35

Fake exchange

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/#/

linked to the website: https://www.orientaurora.com/#/ & https://h5.orientaurora.com/#/ Fake bitcoin exchange with dummy trading platform.

Thailand flag Thailand, 2021-06-30 11:10:05

fake trading platform

Abuser: orient aurora - https://www.orientaurora.com/#/

fake crypto trading website: https://www.orientaurora.com/#/ and https://h5.orientaurora.com/

Thailand flag Thailand, 2021-07-01 17:25:32

dummy exchange

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/#/

dummy website... steal USDT.

Thailand flag Thailand, 2021-07-01 17:30:40

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Orient aurora

When you deposit your USDT, your account gets blocked and you cannot withdraw the USDT anymore. They ask you to deposit more USDT as a tax to unblock your account. Ofcourse, you loose more USDT as they never release your money. Fake trading platform: https://www.orientaurora.com/#/

Thailand flag Thailand, 2021-07-07 07:57:54

Blackmail scam

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

All new accounts created on https://www.orientaurora.com/ have same wallet address. So if you deposit your crypto to your account, the crypto will actually be deposited in the scam wallet and can not be withdrawn.

Thailand flag Thailand, 2021-07-08 15:24:52

Blackmail scam

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

Fake!! Thief!! stole my USDT.

India flag India, 2021-07-14 08:24:03

Fake exchange

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

Fake trading exchange that makes you deposit USDT to a common wallet and then does not let you withdraw. https://www.orientaurora.com/#/ https://www.orientaurora.com/ https://h5.orientaurora.com/#/ https://h5.orientaurora.com/

India flag India, 2021-07-14 08:28:30


Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

Stealing USDT. Dummy bitcoin trading exchange from where you will not be able to withdraw money. https://www.orientaurora.com/

India flag India, 2021-07-16 07:59:18

Blackmail scam

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

A fake bitcoin exchange that asks you to deposit the bitcoin and runs dummy data and trades. It shows you profits and when you try to withdraw, it shows the error that you need to pay taxes. So to release your existing money you need to pay more money. Good luck with that. Linked to fake website: https://www.orientaurora.com/

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2021-07-16 08:02:36

Fake bitcoin exchange

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

Fake exchange. Steal my USDT.

India flag India, 2021-07-18 11:58:02

Blackmail scam

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

All new accounts created on https://www.orientaurora.com/ have same wallet address. So when you deposit USDT, it will be sent to someone else's account and you will not be able to withdraw it. Dummy bitcoin trading platform. https://h5.orientaurora.com/

India flag India, 2021-07-19 12:26:43


Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

Stealing USDT.

India flag India, 2021-07-20 08:24:55

Blackmail scam

Abuser: https://www.orientaurora.com/

This is a fake bitcoin trading platform that asks you to deposit USDT and runs dummy data and trades. It shows you profits. When you try to withdraw the profits, it shows error that you need to pay taxes. This way, they an steal more money from you. Linked to website: https://www.orientaurora.com/

India flag India, 2021-07-20 08:27:24