Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Lynnet Rabin

Sextortion email

United States flag United States, 2020-04-10 18:05:28


Abuser: Griselda Varley

This person managed to get a password I use occasionally for sketchy sites, if someone didn't do that, and they were not software engineers... I hope nobody falls for this evil thief.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-10 20:02:56


Abuser: [email protected]

I'maaware,Qgl123456,misoyourfpassword.UYouZmayfnotPknowrme,KanduyougareTmostalikelycwonderinghwhyZyou'reBgettingFthisImail,Cright?X Overview: IyinstalledAaymalwareTonMtheHadultQvidsc(sexusites)psite,Tandbthere'sJmore,DyoumvisitedothisLsiteftobhavemfunT(youbknowfwhatfIfmean).ZOncedyourweretthereTonItherwebsite,MmymmalwareItookXcontrolnofyyourTbrowser.WItdstartedioperatingIasYaikeyloggerJandvremoteydesktopkprotocolHwhichjgaveJmetaccessZtoCyourvwebcam.wImmediatelyOafterYthat,omyusoftwareIcollectedcyourJcompleteZcontactsBfromoyourPMessenger,IFB,fandAemail.PKIycreatedUaMdouble-screenFvideo.BFirstapartvshowsftheevideokyouOwereDwatchingU(youqhavesaKgoodLtastealolu.Z.t.),NandQtheJsecondvpartHdisplaysutheBrecordinglofSyourkwebcam.v PreciselyXwhattshouldjyoufdo? Well,aIhbelieve,M$1900MisRaFfairrpricedforFouralittleXsecret.RYouKwillYmakeftheJpaymentfthroughOBitcoinh(ifByouqdon'tFknowWthis,Osearcho"howHtolbuyJbitcoin"JinGGoogle).

Argentina flag Argentina, 2020-04-10 20:29:17


Abuser: Kingston Lad ---- [email protected]

Trying to get you to pay bitcoin or they will show a sex video to your contacts.....says they have your email addy and password.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-10 22:27:31


Abuser: [email protected]

saying that have my passwords and access to my webcam and post personal information if i don't buy bitcoins

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-14 18:10:08


Abuser: [email protected]

Blackmailing for a ransom. Name is Quinta Barrowman

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-14 23:23:01


Abuser: [email protected]

Quinta Barrowman is trying to get you to pay bitcoin or they will show a sex video to 5 random contacts. Says they have your mail password and access to webcams.

Mexico flag Mexico, 2020-04-15 20:56:07

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Jarret Meleedy

Classic scam, ask to pay 1900$ to not send a porn video of me that dosn't exists. Well, hope nobody get fool in this trap

France flag France, 2020-04-17 00:22:59