Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Morgana Dorey

Threaten to release video to friends

United States flag United States, 2020-04-15 20:55:20


Abuser: Sheri Belliveau

If you send this 'donation' (why don't we call it that?). Right after that, I will disappear and never make contact with you again. I will get rid of everything I have concerning you. You may very well continue living your regular day to day lifestyle with absolutely no concerns.

Brazil flag Brazil, 2020-04-15 21:24:21

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Amos Champagne

pay 2000 bitcoin or video of recording the sites visited and webcam will be shared to all contacts, relatives and colleagues.

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2020-04-15 21:41:04


Abuser: Sheri Belliveau


United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-15 21:47:44


Abuser: [email protected] Sheri Belliveau

???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????-???????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????. ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? (???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ????-????????????????, ???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ????????)

Mexico flag Mexico, 2020-04-15 22:55:58


Abuser: Ernestine Comolli ,[email protected]>

Claimed to have installed malware on my system and claimed that has video of me visiting a porn site and screenshots from my webcam. I realize this is a scam but felt the need to report it anway in case anyone else maybe duped this will serve as an additional incident for this individuals attempt to commit blackmail.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-15 23:15:01


Abuser: Email appears to be send by Currey Taylor – email: [email protected]

I am aware,…., is your password. I require your complete attention for the next Twenty-four hrs, or I will make sure you that you live out of guilt for the rest of your lifetime. Hello, you don't know me personally. However I know every thing regarding you. Your entire facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts and all the digital activity on your computer from past 168 days. Consisting of, your self pleasure video footage, which brings me to the main reason why I 'm crafting this specific mail to you. Well the last time you went to the sexually graphic web sites, my malware was triggered in your personal computer which ended up recording a lovely video clip of your self pleasure act by triggering your web camera. (you got a tremendously unusual taste by the way lmfao) I have got the whole recording. Just in case you feel I 'm playing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 6 people you know. ….And so on….

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-15 23:47:01


Abuser: Avraham Saunders

demanding money or release some video

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-16 10:34:49