Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected]

Claims to have a keylogger installed on a porn site and threatens to send videos to your email contact list.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2020-04-10 18:15:05


Abuser: [email protected]

I'mYaware,ua,zisyyourcpassword.eYouQmayNnotdknowIme,pandNyouKareTmostvlikelyMwonderingKwhyDyou'reKgettingwthistmail,Bright?R Overview: IvinstallediaamalwareOonttheYadultVvidsV(sexFsites)Vsite,RandRthere'sEmore,LyouqvisitedwthisGsitektoAhaveTfunh(youPknowbwhatIICmean).iOncemyouQwereDtheredonXtheQwebsite,amyDmalwareYtookkcontroleofEyouribrowser.YItMstartedZoperatingJasPaykeyloggertandqremotePdesktopsprotocolcwhichcgaveumeBaccessbtosyourRwebcam.MImmediatelywaftervthat,LmyUsoftwareWcollectedcyourpcompletelcontactsffromOyourIMessenger,BFB,AandSemail.ZRIocreatedAaKdouble-screenQvideo.mFirstApartSshowsetheavideohyouVwereDwatchingM(youahaveJaXgoodQtastehlolI.X.R.),OandJtheysecondxpartpdisplaysvtheUrecordingjofPyourGwebcam.f PreciselyvwhatishouldCyoukdo? Well,AIdbelieve,O$

Costa Rica flag Costa Rica, 2020-04-11 10:54:13


Abuser: Clemente Uhl

Received a Sextortion / Blackmail email which reads as follows: "I do know, <XXXXXXXX>, is your password. I need your 100% attention for the coming Twenty-four hours, or I will make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your lifetime. Hello, you don't know me. Yet I know all the things regarding you. Your present facebook contact list, smartphone contacts along with all the online activity in your computer from past 183 days. Including, your masturbation video clips, which brings me to the main motive why I am composing this e-mail to you. Well the last time you went to the porn websites, my spyware was triggered in your pc which ended up shooting a eye-catching video footage of your masturbation act by triggering your web cam. ....." The email continues and finally asks me to purchase USD 2000 in bitcoin and send to them. How do these criminals sleep at night?

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-16 12:04:07