Abuser: Hulda Sweet
From their email: Pay $1????00 in bitc????in to the unde???? ????ddres????: bc1***q6f0ah5aryz5d9xxhqwa7xx7r07e42zzxkt4fpr C????SE-s????????????itiveS???? c????py ????nd p????st???? it, a????d ????em????ve *** from thi???? Y????u ????a???? b???? t????ink????ng ????h???? the hell wou????d you do that? Ver???? w????ll, ????ut ????ogether yourself b????c????us???? I a???? ????????in???? t???? sha????e y????ur w????????ld now. I had a d????n????e????ous sp????war???? and ????dw????????e infect your co????put????r and also r????cord mov????e ???????? YOU (???????????????????? y????ur cam) wh???????? you br????wsed 'adult' ????e????s????tes. This ???????? o????e of y????????r c????de [INSERT PWD HERE] ????eve????????he????ess don't bel????ev???? me? Respond 7 and I'l???? be ????????ndom????y ????????ar???? y????????r ????id????o clip ????i????h 7 people ????????u're f????????end???? with (Ye????, I'????e ????ot ????????cess to y????ur ????d????re????s book t????o). Now, what ca???? I want to make this entire thing disa????????e????r? Well, I ????av???? ????lready ????alked ????bo???????? the pa????tic????lar deal in beginn????ng of th???? e ma????l. Should you n????t fulf????ll it within Tw????????ty-four hrs, I'm going ????o ????ake your life horribl???? by delivering t????at video ????li???? to Eve????ybody you know. Yo???????? ????ime b????gin???? rig????t now.
United States, 2020-04-13 21:32:41