Blackmail scam
Abuser: Adoree Surdam
Claims they have video of me and access to all my contacts
United States, 2020-04-12 20:44:31Claims they have video of me and access to all my contacts
United States, 2020-04-12 20:44:31The usual crap about having my password, installing remote desktop, recording me... "????eco????d choi????e should be t???? pay me 19????0 USD. Let us refer t???? ????t as a ????o????a????????o????. In this ????????tuat????????n, I wil???? with????ut ????????lay di????car???? you???? vid????????ta????e. You ????ould ????????nti????????e on everyday l????????e li????e th????s ????ever took pl????c???? and ????ou will not hear back ag????in ????rom me. You'll ????ak???? t????e payment b???? Bit????oin (if you do no???? know th????????, search for BT???? ????????dre????s ????o send to: bc1q***emzkesq7srhwhnulklzrrh244lp8trkm0lpkxs [????ase-sensitive copy and paste it, a????d remove *** fro???? it] "
Czechia, 2020-04-13 05:31:57