Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: [email protected]

Asking for bitcoins to not release a compromising video.

Canada flag Canada, 2020-04-10 21:38:02


Abuser: Carlynne Rangecroft

Using an old pwned password

United States flag United States, 2020-04-11 01:41:54

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

I'mraware, [...] ,VisGyourApassword.xYoummayqnotoknowXme,WandKyouCarecmosttlikelyTwonderingswhyHyou'reggettinglthisomail,mright?P Overview: IeinstalledkaVmalwareronQtheGadultrvidsP(sexPsites)rsite,MandMthere'smmore,dyouXvisitedVthisssiteytozhaveHfunB(yougknowjwhatAIDmean).fOncexyouswerevtheresonNthewwebsite,HmycmalwarentookNcontrolZofayourvbrowser.uItmstartedboperatingxasnaPkeyloggerZandKremoteCdesktopfprotocoldwhichfgavermeRaccessktoHyourwwebcam.iImmediatelyiafterothat,CmymsoftwareWcollectedqyourZcompletencontactsVfromvyourCMessenger,uFB,mandXemail.elIxcreatedhabdouble-screenyvideo.eFirstVpartZshowsKtheivideotyounwereiwatchingX(youShaveYaFgoodXtasteplolW.r.D.),iandZtheksecondZpartddisplaysCtheWrecordingdofPyourLwebcam.n PreciselynwhatzshouldWyoumdo? [...] BTCmAddress:H bc1qg7qjdantj7xrd4w4fsus7t726wj3g89ehkkndj (ItqistcaseHsensitive,YsoscopyVandIpasteDit) Note: [...] Elberta Guin

Sweden flag Sweden, 2020-04-11 12:00:32

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Transfer $1000 in bitcoin to the under address (remove***from it): bc1***q7gvgzfjs6h3gd4w5t0pfxp2tthqspdc87qd9s9 You could be wondering why the hell would you do that? Well, prepare yourself simply because I am going to move your entire world now. I had a hazardous adware and spyware infect your own computer as well as record video clip of YOU (using your cam) while you looked at 'adult' websites. This is one of your own security password chiquis33 Nevertheless don't believe me? Respond 7 and I'll be randomly share your video clip with 7 people you're friends with (Yes, We've access to your contact list as well). Right now, exactly what do I want to make this entire thing vanish? Well, I have already talked about the deal in starting of the e mail. If you dont fulfill it within Twenty four hours, I'll create your life nightmare by sending that video to Every person you know. Your time begins right now.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-15 23:56:30


Abuser: Carlynne Rangecroft

Knew my email address and password. Wants me to buy bitcoin and send it

United States flag United States, 2020-04-16 02:07:47