Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Gustave Migliassi

Scammer sent email with one of my passwords in the subject line. The body text had random letters instead of spaces. It said I had visited a sexsite from where he installed malware on my computer, taking control over everything including the webcam. He threatened to send a side by side video of what I was watching and webcam footage to a all my contacts, unless I paid $1900 in bitcoins.

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2020-04-11 16:43:53


Abuser: Gustav migliassi [email protected]

Asked for money in Bitcoin. Claims to expose some sort of sexual exploitation.

United States flag United States, 2020-04-14 01:56:26


Abuser: Gustave migliassi [email protected]

Claiming id be recorded on an x rated website and threatened to leak what i was watching to facebook friends.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-14 04:49:54


Abuser: Bernd Dishington

Ask for 1900 in bitcoins, says has privat photos

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2020-04-15 20:42:30


Abuser: [email protected]

I ins????a????l????d ???? ma????ware on ????h???? X vid????os (????ex sites) ????????bsit???? and d???? you know what, y????u v????sited ????his web ????it???? to have f???????? (????ou know what I ????ean). When you ????ere wat????h????ng vi????eo clips, your int????rnet bro????????e???? started out ????unctioning as a Re????ote ????????sktop ha????in???? a key ????ogg???????? w????????c???? gave me ????ccessi????ility to you???? disp????ay ????s wel???? as webcam. aft???????? that, my sof????????are ????ollected e????ery one ????f you???? cont????cts fr????m y????????r Mess????n????????r, ????acebook, as well as e-????ailaccount. ????nd then I cre????te???? ???? doubl???? vid????o. ????irst part show???? th???? video y???????? were watch????ng (you've ????ot ???? nice ????aste ; )), and second part shows the r????cord????ng ????f ????our web ????a????, & ????????s you.

Thailand flag Thailand, 2020-04-16 18:48:34