Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Olivia

Hopefully u don't mind my english language grammar, because i'm from Denmark. I infected your machine with a trojan and now have your personal info from your os. It previously was mounted on an adult page after which you have chosen the video, clicked on it, my application instantly gain access to your computer. Then, your web-camera recorded you wank, besides i caught a vid that you have seen. Just after a little while in addition, it pulled out every one of your social contact list. If u need me to wipe off your everything i possess - give me 800 eu in bitcoin it is a crypto-currency. Its my btc wallet transfer address - bc1qka2dy0kzht3fnhx37cw22agnd5ytw0y4edx2qt At this point you have 24hours. to produce a decision The minute i will get the transfer i will wipe out this video and every little thing entirely. Otherwise, please be certain this footage is going to be submitted to all your contacts. Do Not Reply to This Email

Costa Rica flag Costa Rica, 2021-12-29 15:22:36


Abuser: Some sad person

I hope you actually will not really mind my english language sentence structure, because im from Germany. I toxified your device with a trojan and im in possession of your private info from your os. Blah blah

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2021-12-29 23:36:05

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Anonymous

You went to the internet porn page, which is diseased with the virus. Soon after you pressed on online video, software started functioning on your device and all cams and monitor started capturing straight away and then this program gathered all your contacts from your personal system.

Canada flag Canada, 2021-12-30 13:57:04

Blackmail scam

Abuser: some fake email

going to tell my loved ones I watch porn..... send 1000 in bitcoin or else...... blah blah blah

Canada flag Canada, 2021-12-30 18:01:03


Abuser: X-Spam-source: IP=''

"Good day, I don't want to accuse you." variant

United States flag United States, 2021-12-30 18:04:39


Abuser: mr morison

I recently recovered back my lost funds of $59,500 worth of bitcoin from a greedy and scam broker with the help of ( expertfundsrecovery.org ) , I am very happy meeting them, they gave me some words of encouragement and told me not to worry, few weeks later I was very surprise of getting my lost fund in my account after loosing all hope, he is really a blessing to this generation, and this is why I'm going to recommend him to everyone out there ready to recover back the money he/she must have lost in binary option trade.

Nigeria flag Nigeria, 2021-12-31 14:12:03


Abuser: Cryptonation

Contact Summitrecoup Dtcm to help recover all your scammed funds. They're the Best out there. Got all my funds recovered after weeks of getting in touch with them… over $256,850 recovered after my trust wallet account was being hacked and manipulated. Still can’t believe this. I was scammed twice before by fake recovery company who said they could help but didn’t. Summitrecoup did it within WEEKS! They’re Legit and so transparent. You can also get help too.

United States flag United States, 2022-01-02 06:41:48

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Jessica

Received: from Subject: Definitely read this Hi, Hope u do not mind my language sentence structure, because i'm from Indonesia. I toxified your system with a trojan and im in possession of all of your personal data out of your os. It was installed on an adult website and then you have picked the video clip, viewed it, my program immediately gain access to your computer. After that, your cam recorded you going manual, besides i captured a video that you've seen. After some time it also picked up every one of your social contact list. If you wish me to remove your all that i possess - send me 900 us in bitcoin it is a crypto-currency. It's my btc account number : bc1qka2dy0kzht3fnhx37cw22agnd5ytw0y4edx2qt At this point you have 26 hr s. to decide Once i will get the transaction i'm going wipe out this footage and everything thoroughly. If not, you should remember that the footage will be submitted to all your buddies. Do Not Reply to This Email

Canada flag Canada, 2022-01-04 16:51:59


Abuser: Sophie

Subject: We got into your device Hey there! How are you today? I believe you'll be excited when you know about surprise I've prepared for you. I don't want to accuse you, besides I do not believe that spanking the monkey to adult sites is pretty awful thing to carry out. But when all your loved ones find out it, it may definitely be terrible. So, what do I want from you? You spent some time on some porn web page, which is diseased with my virus. .... etc. (the usual stuff!) If you'd like me to delete all of this unrecoverly, here is my bitcoin wallet address: bc1qka2dy0kzht3fnhx37cw22agnd5ytw0y4edx2qt (it must be without any spaces or =. Make sure you've got it right) If you do not know how to manage with it, you may easily google it, or find many guidances on youtube. It's easy. An amount of funs to settle the issue with me is 1000 dollars. You actually have five days after reading through this notification (I put tracking pixel on it and I'm going to know when you open it). In case you refuse to implement this transaction, I will share said movie and some other curious files with all your contacts I've got now. I don't believe that cops may locate me, so remember five days you have to redeem your previous live.

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2022-01-05 22:27:12

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Helló! Nem érdekel, hogyan játszadozol magaddal a felnőtt weboldalakon szörfölve. És nem tudom, hogy mások hogyan reagálnának, ha lenne esélyük látni. De könnyen lehet, hogy hamarosan kiderül. Például képzeljük el, hogy minden szeretted kap egy ilyen lehetőséget. Feltételezhetően ez tényleg förtelmes lehet. Szóval, mit akarok valójában? Elmentél az internetes pornóoldalra, amely megbetegedett a vírussal. Nem sokkal azután, hogy megnyomta az online videót, a szoftver elkezdett működni a készülékén, és minden kamera és monitor azonnal elkezdett rögzíteni, majd ez a program összegyűjtötte az összes kapcsolatát a személyes rendszeréből. Úgy döntöttem, hogy üzenetet küldök neked ezen az e-mail címen, mert ahogy látom, gyakran használod. És persze jelenleg szeretném a titkunkat távol tartani bárki mástól. Nos, készítettem egy furcsa filmet. A legfigyelemreméltóbb (minden lehetséges néző számára) az, ahogyan ezt a filmet vágták. Két részre van osztva (balra/jobbra), az egyik fele a monitorodat mutatja, a másik pedig az online kamerádat. Igazán nagyszerű, nem igaz? Szóval, ha jobban szeretnéd, hogy töröljem ezt a filmet és a többi fájlt, alább megtalálod a bitcoin címemet: bc1qka2dy0kzht3fnhx37cw22agnd5ytw0y4edx2qt (szükség van rá, hogy szóközök nélkül vagy =. Győződjön meg róla, hogy rendesen) Ha nem tudja, hogyan kell dolgozni vele, akkor nagyon könnyen megtalálhatja a google-n belül vagy a youtube-on. Nem fog sok erőfeszítést igényelni tőled. 1000 dollár megoldja ezt a problémát, és elfelejtesz engem. Valójában 1 napod van, miután végigolvastad ezt az értesítést (nyomkövető pixelt tettem rá, és tudni fogom, ha megnyitod). Ha nem végzi el a szükséges tranzakciót, elküldöm a videót mindenkinek, aki ismeri Önt. Megvan az összes kapcsolat, e-mail és facebook ismerősök listája. Egyébként a zsaruk nem tudtak megtalálni engem, úgyhogy tartsd észben 1 nap előtt a becsületed tönkremegy.

Austria flag Austria, 2022-04-29 20:43:41