Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: Alair Maclin

i placed malware on the porn website

Netherlands flag Netherlands, 2020-04-10 10:42:02


Abuser: [email protected]

i know...... is your password, well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website ....... 1900$ is a fair price,,,, BTC Address: bc1qnft7dsn2krfla7dlyt34wl7k3jeztv0g4rt7ud

Italy flag Italy, 2020-04-11 10:51:35

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Alair Maclin

I got an email from “Alair Maclin” I didn’t want to click on the exact email Adress. It tells me that my data was compromised and I should Pay 1.300 dollars or pictures and videos of me will be send to people.

Germany flag Germany, 2020-04-11 18:17:04


Abuser: Alair Maclin

Leτs geτ sτrαιghτ το τhe ροιητ. Ι αm αwαre ..... οηe οf yοur ραss wοrd. There ιs ηο οηe whο hαs cοmρeηsατed me το checκ αbοuτ yοu. Yοu mαy ηοτ κηοw me αηd yοu αre ρrοbαbly τhιηκιηg why yοu αre geττιηg τhιs e-mαιl? Ι ιηsταlled α mαlwαre οη τhe αdulτ νιdeοs (sex sιτes) websιτe αηd τhere's mοre, yοu νιsιτed τhιs websιτe το exρerιeηce fuη (yοu κηοw whατ Ι meαη). Wheη yοu were νιewιηg νιdeοs, yοur brοwser sταrτed ορerατιηg αs α Remοτe Desκτορ hανιηg α κey lοgger whιch gανe me αccess το yοur screeη αηd αlsο web cαm. Rιghτ αfτer τhατ, my sοfτwαre ρrοgrαm gατhered αll οf yοur cοηταcτs frοm yοur Messeηger, Fβ, αs well αs emαιl . Nexτ Ι mαde α νιdeο. 1sτ ραrτ dιsρlαys τhe νιdeο yοu were wατchιηg (yοu'νe gοτ α ηιce ταsτe rοfl), αηd 2ηd ραrτ shοws τhe recοrdιηg οf yοur web cαm, yeαh ιτ ιs u.

Italy flag Italy, 2020-04-11 22:50:41


Abuser: Raimundo Beran

Email starts: I know, ********, is your password. You don't know me and you're thinking why you received this e mail, right? Continues to: Well, I believe, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You'll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google). BTC Address: bc1qnft7dsn2krfla7dlyt34wl7k3jeztv0g4rt7ud (It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)

United States flag United States, 2020-04-16 21:06:58

Bitcoin tumbler

Abuser: [email protected]

I'm aware, ******, is your pass word. I need your full attention for the next Twenty-four hours, or I will certainly make sure you that you live out of guilt for the rest of your existence. Hey, you don't know me personally. But I know pretty much everything regarding you. Your entire facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts plus all the virtual activity on your computer from past 127 days. Which includes, your self pleasure video clips, which brings me to the main reason why I 'm writing this e mail to you. Well the last time you went to the adult material web sites, my malware ended up being

Malaysia flag Malaysia, 2020-04-17 04:57:48