Abuser: Berke Manser
Asked 2000 dollars in bitcoins in order not to release supposed private videos
Asked 2000 dollars in bitcoins in order not to release supposed private videos
He has my password and threatened me with suposed personal sexual videos, asking me to send him money.
Asking for 2000 ransom with this threat: Hello there, you don't know me. But I know just about everything regarding you. All of your fb contact list, phone contacts and all the virtual activity in your computer from past 151 days. Consisting of, your masturbation video clips, which brings me to the main motive why I am composing this particular email to you. Well the previous time you visited the adult porn websites, my malware was triggered inside your computer which ended up logging a eye-catching video footage of your masturbation play by triggering your web cam. (you got a incredibly unusual taste btw haha)
24 hours, spying on your virtual activity in your computer from past 143 days. i have your password and facebook contacts and will share the porn sites you visited.
I know, xxxxxx, is your password. I require your 100% attention for the up coming Twenty-four hours, or I will certainly make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your life. Hello there, you do not know me. Yet I know all the things concerning you. Your entire facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts along with all the online activity on your computer from previous 159 days.