Abuser: [email protected]
Body: You are so dependent on jerking that I wonder what has to happen in life for an individual to become the man u are now. Perhaps, u're too slothful to regularly work out and u have chosen this option to train ur arms? You managed to impress even me, although I've already seen a lot of individuals like u. Pay heed to your security on the web-this's a gratuitous advice to you, it's very simple to get access to the webcam of ur device and copy the contacts from ur e-mail. Attachment: There are two choices: I destroy you and demonstrate the video I have shot to ur social network, or u implement my demands in the nearest future 1015 $, Bit coin bc1qqgawlq2sfy5y89p0jz080jhjyxpkdhfpytk6lr. If you try to deceive me or if you do not fulfil my demands, then within ninety-six h everybody will know who you really are. If you are not too dummy, u will rush to do what u were told to. It is no use to try to negotiate with me, and u'd better not annoy me.
United States, 2022-08-02 01:41:49