Abuse to Bitcoin address


Abuser: maurice royce

Tengo la grabación completa. En caso de que pienses que estoy bromeando, solo responde la prueba y enviaré la grabación en particular al azar a 12 personas con las que eres amigo. Podría terminar siendo su amigo, compañeros de trabajo, jefe, madre y padre (¡No lo sé! Mi software elegirá al azar los datos de contacto). Me gustaría hacerle una oferta no negociable por única vez. Obtenga $ 2000 en bitcoin y envíelos a la siguiente dirección: bc1 *** qsnge38whk4ufa69f0cestcvgynrnmfn5r0ccz2 [distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, cópielo y péguelo, y elimine *** de él] Si envía esta 'donación' (¿lo llamaremos así?). Inmediatamente después de eso, me iré para siempre y nunca volveré a contactarte. Eliminaré todo lo que tengo sobre ti. Es muy posible que continúe viviendo su estilo de vida normal sin estrés.

Mexico flag Mexico, 2020-04-15 18:29:54


Abuser: [email protected]

I got an email from above address (name in the email Julietta Fleming) saying that they have video material from me watching sex videos and they will release it if I do not pay them. In the saan there was extremely old password of mine attached.

Finland flag Finland, 2020-04-15 21:34:57


Abuser: [email protected]

I know, *****, is your pass word. I require your total attention for the coming Twenty-four hours, or I may make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your life. Hi, you don't know me personally. Yet I know pretty much everything regarding you. Your current fb contact list, phone contacts along with all the online activity in your computer from past 118 days. And this includes, your self pleasure video clips, which brings me to the main motive why I am writing this e-mail to you. Well the last time you went to the porno web sites, my spyware was triggered inside your personal computer which ended up shooting a beautiful footage of your self pleasure act simply by triggering your web cam. (you got a really weird taste btw lmao)

United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, 2020-04-15 22:22:28


Abuser: Olag Means (Email: [email protected])

Email I received today and last week: I am aware that (---) is your passwordI need your 100% attention for the coming Twenty-four hours, or I may make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your existence. But I know all the things concerning you. Your current facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts and all the online activity in your computer from past 184 days. Including, your masturbation video, you went to the adult material webpages, my malware was triggered in your pc which ended up shooting a beautiful video of your masturbation act simply by activating your webcam. I have the whole recording. Purchase USD 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the below address: bc1***qsnge38whk4ufa69f0cestcvgynrnmfn5r0ccz2 > [case sensitive, copy & paste it, and remove *** from it

United States flag United States, 2020-04-16 03:35:10


Abuser: my email

do know, , is your password. I require your full attention for the up coming Twenty-four hours, or I will make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your life span. Hey, you do not know me. Yet I know pretty much everything concerning you. Your present fb contact list, phone contacts plus all the digital activity on your computer from past 199 days. Including, your masturbation video footage, which brings me to the primary reason why I 'm writing this specific e mail to you. Well the previous time you went to see the adult porn web sites, my spyware ended up being activated in your computer which ended up recording a beautiful footage of your masturbation act simply by triggering your webcam.

Oman flag Oman, 2020-04-16 07:46:46


Abuser: [email protected]

Compre USD 2000 en bitcoin y envíelos a la siguiente dirección: b *** c1qdewlpmc95sc3ccv67f3pjx50ensgvzdesz7064 [distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, así que cópielo y péguelo, y elimine *** de él] (Si no sabe cómo, busque en línea cómo adquirir bitcoin. No pierda mi tiempo importante) Si envía esta 'donación' particular (¿llamaremos a esto así?). Justo después de eso, desapareceré y nunca volveré a contactarte. Me desharé de todo lo que tengo sobre ti. Puede seguir viviendo su vida cotidiana actual sin miedo. Tienes 24 horas para hacerlo. Su tiempo comienza tan pronto como lea este correo electrónico. Tengo un código único que me alertará tan pronto como lea este correo electrónico, así que no intente actuar de manera inteligente.

Mexico flag Mexico, 2020-04-17 18:05:49