Blackmail scam
Abuser: Cobbie Coggeshall
Transfer $1000 in btc to t????e beneath ????????????re????????:
CASE-SENSITIVE, copy & p????ste it, and take away *** from it
Yo???? cou???????? be thinking ????hy the h????ll woul???? y????u do ????hat? Well, ????rep????????e yours????????f ????imply be????aus???? I am going to shake your entire world now. I had a ????erious sp????war???? infect your ????w???? comp????????????r as w????l???? as reco????d ????????deo clip of YOU (using your web camera) ????hile yo???? bro????sed 'adult' w????bs????tes.
????e????e is one ???????? your o????n s????c????ri????y p????ssword Tiberian85
Non????????heless don't believe me? R????????ly 7 and I ????il???? be randomly share your video w????th 7 people you're fri????nds with (Yes, I have acc????ss to your ????ddress book ????lso).
????ow, what c????n I wan???? t???? get this to enti????e thing disappear? Well, ???? hav???? already mentioned the ????a????ticular de????l in st????r????ing of t????e ???? mai????. If yo???? dont fu????fi????l ???????? w????thi???? ????w????nty-four hrs, I'????l create your life ????????rrible by deliveri????g th????t v????????eo to Ever????????o???????? you know. Your ????ime begins n????w.
United States, 2020-04-13 21:20:39