Abuse to Bitcoin address

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Magdalen Wieder

I know XXXXXX is your pa????s. Lets ????et right t???? p????rpose. Nobody has ????omp????nsat????d me to i????ve????tiga???????? yo????. You ????ay no???? kn???????? ???????? and you're proba????ly w????nd????ring why y????u're getting thi???? ????????i????? ???? s????tup a sof????ware on t????e a????ult ????ide???????? (po????????o) web site and there's ????????re, you v????sited t????is ????????b ????ite to ex????erienc???? fun (you k????o???? w????at I me????n). ????????en y????u were vie????????ng vid????os, your ????eb br????wser st????rte???? ou???? operati????g as a RDP hav????ng ???? ke????logg????r whi????h p????o????????????ed me a????c????ssib????l????ty to ????????ur displ????y ????c???????????????? and web????????m. ????ig????t af????????r that, my s????ftwa???????? g????t????e????ed e????????ry ????ne of yo???????? c????n????a????????s fr????m your Me????????e????????er, FB, ???????????? e-mai????????cco????nt. After tha???? I crea????????d ???? do????ble v????????eo. 1st par???? ????isplays the vid????o you were watching (you'????e got ???? g????od taste rof????), a???????? 2nd ????ar???? ????????ow???? t????e re????ording of ????our ????eb c????m, and it is ????????u. You got just t????o ????hoices. We will take a ????ook at the????e ????ypes of opt????o???????? i???? ????etails: [message cut short due to size restriction]

Canada flag Canada, 2020-04-13 14:02:25


Abuser: Magdalen Wieder ([email protected])

email regarding a release of private content to people i know unless i pay 3500USD in bitcoin as a ''donation''

Spain flag Spain, 2020-04-14 18:23:18