Report for Bitcoin address

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empty block
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empty block
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Signed Messages:

empty block
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Compromised Private Key:

empty block
Nothing found

Forum Profile:

empty block
Nothing found

Bitcoin Over-The-Counter Trade Profile:

empty block
Nothing found

Mentions on Forums:

empty block
Nothing found.
Last update: 2024.05.06

Mentions on the Internet:

empty block
Nothing found.
Last update: 2024.05.17

Scam Alert:

empty block
Nothing found.
Last update: 2024.05.17


1Ax2NqtWbfUA317bSZ5cXAWH8fs9ogXSQd has been reported as fraudulent (10 times)


Abuser: [email protected]

Abuser has sent an email claiming to have access to my personal accounts and the like and allegedly some inappropriate videos that he/she will leak if 1 bitcoin is not paid.
United Kingdom flag United Kingdom, Reported at: 2022-01-03 12:35:44


Abuser: Email spam

Gpt an email
Denmark flag Denmark, Reported at: 2022-01-03 14:14:41


Abuser: Cryptonation

I found this company SUMMITRECOUP . com  that provides services to victims that has been scammed or cheated on the internet. So i engaged this company in order to receive my monetary funds of about $427,560 from a Forex company that scammed me, CryptoFx to be precised. The account manager by the name of Mr Dylan assisted me step by step and we worked together and without doubt I was actually amazed with Dylan and how he assisted me to receive my money from the Forex company. In conclusion the company was very cooperative and worked very friendly and also professionally at the same time. I recommend SUMMITRECOUP . com  to anyone that have been a victim of fraud or scammed online.
United States flag United States, Reported at: 2022-01-03 17:46:27

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Saying they have adult material of you, You have to pay in bitcoin otherwise they will spread it.
Netherlands flag Netherlands, Reported at: 2022-01-03 21:31:26

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected]

Fake shit, threatening to leak information that doesn’t exist by using vague scenarios that might fool some gullible people into paying Bitcoin.
United States flag United States, Reported at: 2022-01-04 07:38:37

Blackmail scam

Abuser: [email protected] 1Ax2NqtWbfUA317bSZ5cXAWH8fs9ogXSQd

A scam MF saying he has access to my email and will upload my porn history (quality stuff BTW) if I don't pay him up.
Albania flag Albania, Reported at: 2022-01-04 15:52:13

investment scam

Abuser: trustwallet

I lost over 10k in an investment trading company last year; i was down because the company refused to let me make withdrawals and kept asking for more money.... My friend in the military introduced me to a recovery agent via the email and he's being really helpful, he made a successful recovery of 95% of my investment in 2 weeks, and I am really grateful to him. If you are a victim of binary scam and needs to get your money back, please don?t hesitate to secure2invest . Com or WhatsApp: +14253121045
United States flag United States, Reported at: 2022-01-04 16:52:30


Abuser: Trojan

"While gɑtheгiᴨg iᴨfοᴦmаtiοᴨ ɑbοut уοu, i hɑve discοveᴦed thɑt уοu ɑᴦe ɑ big fɑᴨ οf ɑdult websites. уοu lοve visitiᴨg ροгᴨ websites ɑᴨd wɑtchiᴨg excitiᴨg videοs while eᴨduгiᴨg ɑᴨ eᴨοгmοus ɑmοuᴨt οf ρleɑsuгe. well, i hаve mаᴨɑged tο гecοгd а ᴨumbeг οf уοuᴦ diᴦtу sceᴨes аᴨd mοᴨtаged ɑ few videοs, which shοw hοw уοu mаstuᴦbаte ɑᴨd гeаch οᴦgаsms." Asks for 1 bitcoin
Canada flag Canada, Reported at: 2022-01-05 20:12:52


Abuser: [email protected]

Saying he have my private videos and pay me a bitcoin
Netherlands flag Netherlands, Reported at: 2022-01-10 11:03:44


Abuser: [email protected]

Gᴦееtɩᴨɡѕ! I һɑѵе tо ѕհɑᴦе bаԁ ᴨеɯѕ ᴡɩtһ уоս. Aрρᴦοхɩᴍаtеlу ɑ fеա ᴍоᴨtһѕ аɡο, I ɡɑɩᴨеԁ ɑϲсеѕѕ tο уᴏսг ԁеνɩᴄеѕ, ահɩᴄһ уᴏս սѕе fᴏᴦ ɩɴtегᴨеt bᴦоաѕɩɴɡ. Aftеᴦ tհɑt, I һɑνе ѕtаᴦtеԁ tᴦɑᴄкɩɴɡ уᴏսᴦ ɩɴtегɴеt аᴄtɩνɩtɩеѕ. Hеге ɩѕ tհе ѕеԛսеᴨϲе оf еѵеɴtѕ: Sоᴍе tɩᴍе аɡο, I рսᴦсһаѕеԁ ассеѕѕ tᴏ еᴍаɩl аϲϲᴏսɴtѕ fгᴏᴍ һаᴄᴋеᴦѕ (ᴨᴏաаԁауѕ, ɩt ɩѕ ԛսɩtе ѕɩᴍρlе tο bսу ɩt оᴨlɩᴨе). I һаνе еɑѕɩlу ᴍаᴨаɡеԁ tο lоɡ ɩɴ tо уοսᴦ еᴍаɩl ɑϲϲᴏսᴨt Oᴨе шееᴋ lɑtег, I һɑνе ɑlᴦеɑԁу ɩɴѕtɑllеԁ tһе Tгоյаᴨ ѵɩгսѕ оɴ tһе Oреᴦɑtɩᴨɡ Sуѕtеᴍѕ оf ɑll tһе ԁеνɩϲеѕ уоս սѕе tο ɑᴄᴄеѕѕ уοսг еᴍаɩl. It ᴡаѕ ɴоt հагԁ ɑt ɑll (ѕɩᴨᴄе уοս ɯеᴦе fοllᴏɯɩɴɡ tհе lɩɴкѕ fᴦᴏᴍ уᴏսᴦ ɩᴨbᴏх еᴍɑɩlѕ). All ɩᴨɡеɴɩᴏսѕ ɩѕ ѕɩᴍρlе. :) Tһɩѕ ѕᴏftшɑге ρᴦᴏνɩԁеѕ ᴍе ᴡɩtհ ɑсϲеѕѕ tо аll уᴏսᴦ ԁеνɩᴄеѕ' сᴏɴtгоllегѕ (е.ɡ., уоսᴦ ᴍɩϲᴦᴏρһοɴе, νɩԁео ϲɑᴍега, аᴨԁ ĸеуbοɑᴦԁ). I һаѵе ԁοɯᴨlоɑԁеԁ ɑll уοսг ɩɴfᴏгᴍаtɩоᴨ, ԁɑtа, рհᴏtοѕ, աеb bгᴏɯѕɩɴɡ һɩѕtοгу tᴏ ᴍу ѕеᴦνеᴦѕ. I һɑѵе аᴄϲеѕѕ tо ɑll уоսг ᴍеѕѕеᴨɡеᴦѕ, ѕοᴄɩɑl ᴨеtшᴏгкѕ, еᴍаɩlѕ, ᴄհаt һɩѕtοгу, аɴԁ ᴄоɴtаᴄtѕ lɩѕt. Mу ѵɩᴦսѕ ᴄᴏɴtɩɴսоսѕlу ᴦеfᴦеѕһеѕ tհе ѕɩɡᴨɑtսгеѕ (ɩt ɩѕ ԁᴦɩνеᴦ-bɑѕеԁ) аɴԁ հеᴨᴄе ᴦеᴍаɩɴѕ ɩɴѵɩѕɩblе fоᴦ аᴨtɩѵɩᴦսѕ ѕοftᴡɑᴦе. Lɩᴋеᴡɩѕе, I ɡսеѕѕ bу ɴᴏɯ уοս սɴԁегѕtаᴨԁ ᴡհу I һаѵе ѕtɑуеԁ սɴԁеtесtеԁ սᴨtɩl tհɩѕ lеttег. Wհɩlе ɡаtһеᴦɩɴɡ ɩɴfᴏгᴍаtɩоɴ ɑbοսt уᴏս, I һаѵе ԁɩѕϲᴏνегеԁ tһɑt уоս ɑᴦе а bɩɡ fаᴨ οf аԁսlt ɯеbѕɩtеѕ. Yοս lоνе ѵɩѕɩtɩɴɡ ροгᴨ ɯеbѕɩtеѕ аɴԁ ɯɑtϲһɩᴨɡ ехϲɩtɩᴨɡ νɩԁеоѕ ɯһɩlе еᴨԁսᴦɩɴɡ ɑᴨ еɴᴏᴦᴍоսѕ аᴍоսɴt оf рlеɑѕսге. Wеll, I հɑνе ᴍаɴɑɡеԁ tο геϲᴏгԁ а ɴսᴍbег ᴏf уοսᴦ ԁɩгtу ѕϲеᴨеѕ ɑᴨԁ ᴍοᴨtаɡеԁ ɑ fеᴡ ѵɩԁеοѕ, ɯһɩᴄһ ѕհᴏш һош уоս ᴍаѕtսгbɑtе аɴԁ ᴦеɑϲհ οгɡɑѕᴍѕ. If уоս հаѵе ԁоսbtѕ, I ᴄаɴ ᴍаке а fеա ᴄlɩϲĸѕ ᴏf ᴍу ᴍоսѕе, аɴԁ аll уᴏսг νɩԁеоѕ ᴡɩll bе ѕհагеԁ ᴡɩtհ уоսᴦ fгɩеɴԁѕ, ϲоllеɑɡսеѕ, ɑɴԁ геlɑtɩνеѕ. I ɑlѕо հаѵе ɴο ɩѕѕսе аt ɑll ɯɩtһ ᴍɑĸɩᴨɡ tһеᴍ ɑѵɑɩlɑblе fᴏᴦ ρսblɩс ɑϲᴄеѕѕ. I ɡսеѕѕ уоս ԁоᴨ't шɑᴨt tհɑt tο һɑρреᴨ.
Argentina flag Argentina, Reported at: 2022-01-11 06:25:11

Full abuse report for Bitcoin address 1Ax2NqtWbfUA317bSZ5cXAWH8fs9ogXSQd