Submited Tag:
Attached tag: cvvc
Last updated: 2022-03-22 21:27:37
Submited Link:
Attached link: cvh
Last updated: 2022-03-22 21:27:37
Signed Messages:
Nothing found
Compromised Private Key:
Nothing found
Forum Profile:
Nothing found
Bitcoin Over-The-Counter Trade Profile:
Nothing found
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/saytodor/ on line 350
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/saytodor/ on line 350
Mentions on Forums:
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/saytodor/ on line 373
Nothing found.
Last update: 2025.02.24
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/saytodor/ on line 446
Mentions on the Internet:
Nothing found.
Last update: 2025.03.06
Scam Alert:
Nothing found.
Last update: 2025.03.06
1NAtpouGs1BcusKAW2uicUMAPqcNrGENRK has been reported as fraudulent (14 times)
Blackmail scam
Abuser: [email protected]
"Unfortunately I have bad news for you.
A few months ago, I had access to the device you use to browse the internet.
Since then I have been monitoring your activities on the internet.
you are a regular visitor to adult websites, I can confirm that this is your responsibility.
For your convenience, the websites you visit have given me access to your information.
I have loaded a driver-based trojan that updates its signature ! several times a day so the antivirus cannot detect it.
I also have access to your camera and microphone.
Also, I backed up all data including photos, social media, chats and contacts.
I recently had the great idea to create a video where you cum on one part of the screen while the video is playing on another screen at the same time.
It was fun! Rest assured that I can easily send this video to all your contacts with just a few clicks and I assume you want to avoid this scenario.
With that in mind, ! here's my suggestion: Transfer the amount of 1600 USD to my bitcoin wallet and I'll forget everything.
I will also permanently delete all data and videos. In my opinion, this is a rather modest price for my work.
You can find out how to buy bitcoins using search engines like google or youtube as it is not very difficult.
My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet: 1NAtpouGs1BcusKAW2uicUMAPqcNrGENRK
You have 48 hours to respond and you should also note the following:
It's no use answering me - the address was generated automatically.
It also makes no sense to complain as the letter cannot be traced along with my bitcoin wallet.
Everything is precisely orchestrated.
If I find out that you've mentioned this letter to someone, the video will be shared immediately and your contacts will be the first to receive it." United Kingdom, Reported at: 2022-03-20 04:07:09
Abuser: hacker
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: (qmail 419591 invoked by uid 1167); 20 Mar 2022 00:25:36 -0000
Received: (qmail 419588 invoked from network); 20 Mar 2022 00:25:36 -0000
Received: by simscan 1.4.0 ppid: 419527, pid: 419575, t: 1.6927s
scanners: clamav: 0.103.5/m:62/d:26486 spam: 3.4.6
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on ...
X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Level: *********
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=9.0 required=5.0 tests=BITCOIN_DEADLINE,
T_TVD_MIME_NO_HEADERS autolearn=disabled version=3.4.6
* -0.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE RBL: Sender listed at
*, no trust
* [ listed in]
* 3.0 RCVD_IN_BARRACUDA_BRBL RBL: Listed: Barracuda Reputation Block
* List (BRBL)
* [ listed in]
* 0.0 SPF_HELO_NONE SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record
* 0.0 T_TVD_MIME_NO_HEADERS BODY: No description available.
* 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
* 3.5 BOGUS_MIME_VERSION Mime version header is bogus
* 0.0 FROM_EXCESS_BASE64 From: base64 encoded unnecessarily
* 0.5 PDS_BTC_ID FP reduced Bitcoin ID
* 1.0 BITCOIN_DEADLINE BitCoin with a deadline
* 1.0 BITCOIN_PAY_ME Pay me via BitCoin
Received: from (
by ... with ESMTPS (TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 encrypted); 20 Mar 2022 00:25:35 -0000
Received: from ([])
by (8.15.2/8.15.2/Debian-10) with ESMTP id 22K0PSEd012645
for ...; Sun, 20 Mar 2022 09:25:28 +0900
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 30000)
id 55E493029D9BE; Sun, 20 Mar 2022 09:25:28 +0900 (JST) Germany, Reported at: 2022-03-20 20:45:18
Abuser: [email protected]
Hacked camera, will send photos / videos to contacts, etc France, Reported at: 2022-03-20 22:32:34
Blackmail scam
Abuser: [email protected]
Tring to blackmail saying that the person has access to my device and corrupt my personal files if I don't pay 1600USD Singapore, Reported at: 2022-03-21 07:14:41
Abuser: =?UTF-8?B??=
Unfortunately I have bad news for you.
A few months ago, I had access to the device you use to browse the internet.
Since then I have been monitoring your activities on the internet.
you are a regular visitor to adult websites, I can confirm that this is your responsibility.
For your convenience, the websites you visit have given me access to your information.
I have loaded a driver-based trojan that updates its signature several times a day so the antivirus cannot detect it.
I also have access to your camera and microphone.
Also, I backed up all data including photos, social media, chats and contacts.
I recently had the great idea to create a video where you cum on one part of the screen while the video is playing on another screen at the same time.
It was fun! Rest assured that I can easily send this video to all your contacts with just a few clicks and I assume you want to avoid this scenario.
With that in mind, here's my suggestion: Transfer the amount of 1600 USD to my bitcoin wallet and I'll forget everything.
I will also permanently delete all data and videos. In my opinion, this is a rather modest price for my work. South Africa, Reported at: 2022-03-21 11:32:42
Blackmail scam
Abuser: Not sure -- SMTP "From:" field was [email protected]
Maalesef size kötü bir haberim var.
Birkaç ay önce internette gezinmek için kullandığınız cihaza erişimim vardı.
O zamandan beri internetteki aktivitelerinizi izliyorum.
yetişkinlere yönelik web sitelerinin düzenli bir ziyaretçisiyseniz, bunun sizin sorumluluğunuzda olduğunu onaylayabilirim.
Size kolaylık sağlamak için, ziyaret ettiğiniz web siteleri bilgilerinize erişmeme izin verdi.
İmzasını gün! de birkac kez güncelleyen sürücü tabanlı bir truva atı yükledim, böylece virüsten koruma yazılımı onu algılayamaz.
Ayrıca kameranıza ve mikrofonunuza erişimim var.
Ayrıca fotoğraflar, sosyal medya, sohbetler ve kişiler dahil tüm verileri yedekledim.
Geçenlerde, video aynı anda başka bir ekranda oynatılırken ekranın bir kısmına boşaldığınız bir video oluşturmak için harika bir fikrim vardı.
Eğlenceliydi! Bu videoyu sadece birkaç tıklamayla tüm bağlantılarınıza kolayca gönderebileceğimden emin olabilirsiniz ve bu senaryodan kaçınmak istediğinizi varsayıyo! rum.
Bunu göz önünde bulundurarak önerim şu: 850 USD'yi bitcoin cüzdanıma aktarın ve her şeyi unutacağım.
Ayrıca tüm verileri ve videoları kalıcı olarak sileceğim. Bence bu, işim için oldukça mütevazı bir fiyat.
Çok zor olmadığı için google veya youtube gibi arama motorlarını kullanarak bitcoin nasıl satın alacağınızı öğrenebilirsiniz.
Bitcoin (BTC) cüzdanım: 1NAtpouGs1BcusKAW2uicUMAPqcNrGENRK
Yanıt vermek için 48 saatiniz var ve aşağıdakilere de dikkat etmelisini! z:
Bana cevap vermenin faydası yok - adres otomatik olarak oluşturuldu.
Ayrıca mektup bitcoin cüzdanımla birlikte izlenemediğinden şikayet etmek de mantıklı değil.
Her şey tam olarak organize edilmiştir.
Bu mektuptan birine bahsettiğini öğrenirsem, video hemen paylaşılacak ve ilk senin kişilerin eline geçecek. United States, Reported at: 2022-03-21 15:45:11
Blackmail scam
Abuser: spoofed
Same old "I hacked your computer and made a video" scam United States, Reported at: 2022-03-21 22:09:55
Abuser: Says have personal data and videos
Says have personal data and videos Chile, Reported at: 2022-03-22 01:11:57
Abuser: Unknown
Sextorsion demand United Kingdom, Reported at: 2022-03-23 00:28:14
Abuser: [email protected]
Scammer claiming to have video material of me masturbating which they would send to my contacts if not paid 1500 €. Germany, Reported at: 2022-04-03 12:02:12
Full abuse report for Bitcoin address 1NAtpouGs1BcusKAW2uicUMAPqcNrGENRK