Report for Bitcoin address

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Last update: 2024.07.04

Scam Alert:

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Nothing found.
Last update: 2024.07.04


1P7bLeCJywaaDRQpT7iwb4qzUHa4CpRFyP has been reported as fraudulent (52 times)

Blackmail scam

Abuser: some asian but from Canada IP

Same old bitcoin email sextortion scam. But this time in some Asian character-based language (hard to tell which from the computer generated characters), which I can't read.
United States flag United States, Reported at: 2018-12-03 23:41:17

Blackmail scam

Abuser: just some random name

Probably another sex blackmail scam, can't read it as it is in Chinese.
Netherlands flag Netherlands, Reported at: 2018-12-04 00:19:38


Abuser: RansonScare mail

Mail in Chinese, sent from a residential connection in Mexico (i.e. member of a botnet).
Netherlands flag Netherlands, Reported at: 2018-12-04 00:21:43

Blackmail scam

Abuser: unknown

Chinese characters like the others.
United States flag United States, Reported at: 2018-12-04 00:38:09

Blackmail scam

Abuser: asian scammer

Yay...another one. Why they think I can read whatever Asian language this is, I have no idea.
United States flag United States, Reported at: 2018-12-04 00:38:42


Abuser: my self? ... who speaks chinese !! WOW!

我深信您不想向您的亲戚,朋友或同事展示这些照片。 我认为388美元对于我的沉默是少量的。 此外,我花了很多时间在你身上! sorry, I don't speak chinese. 我在比特币接受钱。 我的BTC钱包: 1P7bLeCJywaaDRQpT7iwb4qzUHa4CpRFyP 您不知道如何补充比特币钱包? 在任何搜索引擎中写“如何补充btc钱包”。 这很简单。
Japan flag Japan, Reported at: 2018-12-04 01:30:57

Blackmail scam

Abuser: some random skript-kiddie who doesn't know what he's talking about

he doesn't have access to my computer; under the right circumstances, literally anybody can spoof a "From:" header from anybody, it's not that difficult; he sent the message in japanese, a language i do not understand; he doesn't even TRY to guess the password; he abused the server at which is in Medellin, Colombia; i have no social media accounts; i don't look at porn; i don't have a web cam; he can't even put together a simple sentence in english; and, LOOK! this guy STILL has no bitcoin, either ???? -- -- this guy is not a "hacker or a "programmer", and he has no "honour" to codify. he is an ADOLESCENT LOSER. he is a skript-kiddie who uses other peoples' code, and wants you to think that he is a ransomware-using blackmailer, using passwords from data breaches: He is a liar. Bitcoin needs to isolate and purge this wallet. ????
Canada flag Canada, Reported at: 2018-12-04 01:52:51

Blackmail scam

Abuser: some random skript-kiddie who doesn't know what he's talking about

he doesn't have access to my computer; under the right circumstances, literally anybody can spoof a "From:" header from anybody, it's not that difficult; he sent the message in chinese, a language i do not understand; he doesn't even TRY to guess the password; he abused the server at in Puebla, Mexico; i have no social media accounts; i don't look at porn; i don't have a web cam; he can't even put together a simple sentence in chinese; and, LOOK! this guy STILL has no bitcoin, either ???? -- -- this guy is not a "hacker or a "programmer", and he has no "honour" to codify. he is an ADOLESCENT LOSER. he is a skript-kiddie who uses other peoples' code, and wants you to think that he is a ransomware-using blackmailer, using passwords from data breaches: He is a liar. Bitcoin needs to isolate and purge this wallet. ????
Canada flag Canada, Reported at: 2018-12-04 01:58:44


Abuser: The simple chinese mail by suck translation.

我问候你! 我有个坏消息。 22/08/2018 - 在这一天,我攻击了您的操作系统并完全访问了您的帐户 ***@***.***。 就是这样。 在您当天连接的路由器的软件中,存在一个漏洞。 我首先攻击了这个路由器并将恶意代码放在上面。 当您通过Internet输入时,我的木马安装在您设备的操作系统上。 之后,我完成了你的磁盘转储(我有你所有的地址簿,查看网站的历史记录,所有文件,电话号码和所有联系人的地址)。
Taiwan flag Taiwan, Reported at: 2018-12-04 03:03:41

Blackmail scam

Abuser: Unknow

一个月前,我想锁定你的设备并要求少量资金解锁。 但我查看了您经常访问的网站。 你最喜欢的资源令我震惊。 我说的是成人网站。 我想说 - 你是个大变态者。你有一个令人眼花缭乱的幻想! 在那之后,我想到了一个想法。 我制作了你喜欢的成人网站的截图(你知道我的意思,是吗?)。 之后,我在浏览本网站时拍摄了你和你的娱乐照片(我使用了你设备的相机)。 结果很棒! 不要犹豫! 我深信您不想向您的亲戚,朋友或同事展示这些照片。 我认为360美元对于我的沉默是少量的。 此外,我花了很多时间在你身上!
Taiwan flag Taiwan, Reported at: 2018-12-04 03:10:36

Full abuse report for Bitcoin address 1P7bLeCJywaaDRQpT7iwb4qzUHa4CpRFyP